Sunday, September 15, 2013

This is the start of the rest of your life..

 I have been watching the Government for years, wondering what the fuck is going on. It seems to get worse every single year in one way or another. Few years back I started a YOUTUBE channel... to show other people how it is truly going bad in America.

 I have noticed there is many like minded people, that see most of the issues. They might not all agree on everything but they know things are bad and wrong. I try to spread the truth, sometimes it is wrapped in a little garbage to get the point across, sorta like what Alex Jones does .

 If you have no idea who Alex Jones is, you need to. He tells good up to date info but its wrapped up in a little of his own personal garbage. The same as Glenn Beck but he doesnt tell you all the story, only what he wants you to hear.

 People really need to open their eyes and start watching what the Government is doing.

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